Wildcard SSL vs Standard SSL Certificate

SSL (secure sockets layer) certificates are used to build an encrypted tunnel of transmission of data between the browser and the server. They secure the sharing of sensitive information like account login credentials, credit card information. However, there are different SSL certificates but here we would like to show the difference between Wildcard SSL vs Standard SSL certificate.

Wildcard SSL vs Standard SSL Certificate

So before getting into the difference between the two types lets dive into the importance of having an SSL certificate on your website.

Let’s briefly look at the uses of an SSL certificate:

  • Encryption of information: As earlier mentioned, these certificates offer strong encryption to information so that no third party can access it.
  • Builds a good rapport: SSL certificates ensure you attract and retain traffic to your site because customers will know their information is safe.
  • Boost search engine rankings: Google updated their algorithms to give priority to rank websites with SSL certificates first. So more visibility for you.
  • It provides authentication: SSL certificates ascertain that you are sharing information with the intended and verified identity and not to an imposter.

So without further delay let’s look at them,

Wildcard SSL Certificate vs Standard SSL: Know the Difference

Undoubtedly, the two certificates are just as safe and equally provide you with the benefits stated above. They serve the same industry and have a standard 2048-bit RSA signature keys and additional 256-bit encryption - the minimum threshold for any standard SSL certificate in the SSL industry.

However, the key difference between Wildcard certificate and Regular SSL certificate comes into play when it comes to the number of domains security.

  • A Wildcard SSL certificate covers websites with more than one subdomain of a primary domain and standard SSL covers one domain or one subdomain within a certificate.
  • For instance, a wildcard certificate with domain name *.example will cover primary domain name example.com and its other subdomains like blog.example.com, customer.example.com and many more. Whereas standard (regular) SSL certificate covers only example.com or blog.example.com
  • Standard SSL certificates are best suited for persons with a single website and do not require to add more subdomains. It is mostly for small scale businesses while wildcard SSL certificates are for companies with multiple subdomains.
Wildcard SSL CertificateStandard (Regular) Certificate
It secures primary and its subdomains. It secures a single domain only.
Its cost remains high compared to regular SSL. Its cost remains affordable as it secures a single domain.
Save time and money while the need to secure subdomains. Time-consuming while the need to secure subdomains.

Top 5 Wildcard SSL Certificates and It's Providers

Certificate NamePrice/Yr Starts FromMore Details
AlphaSSL Wildcard $40.00 Read More
Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard $44.00 Read More
RapidSSL Wildcard $73.50 Read More
Thawte Wildcard SSL $215.28 Read More
GeoTrust Wildcard $298.80 Read More
For more certificates have to look at Who Provides It?

Top 5 Standard SSL Certificates and It's Providers

Certificate NamePrice/Yr Starts FromMore Details
Comodo PositiveSSL $5.00 Read More
RapidSSL Certificate $6.80 Read More
Thawte SSL123 $23.04 Read More
GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium $28.80 Read More
Comodo EV SSL $49.00 Read More
For more certificates have to look at Who Provides It?

So after reading the above difference between both certificates, it all leads to the question,

Which is the best certificate for the website?

  • The answer to this squarely lies in what you want from a website. What are your business needs?
  • If you own a small business with little requirements then you should use a regular (standard) SSL certificate for your website. This will provide you with adequate security and show padlock before url in the browser address bar that will assure your clients that your website is safe to deal with.
  • Also if you are an owner of a larger organization with multiple subdomains and are reluctant on choosing the wildcard certificate then you must have to get a single certificate for each domain. However, why go through all that hassle while you can just acquire a single wildcard SSL to secure your website and its unlimited subdomains. So, make the right decision.

In conclusion, the above information is to help you decide whether a standard SSL or a wildcard SSL is necessary for your website. It is true that both will make your site strong and help you get more traffic to your site. Whatever the type of certificate you choose should be purchased from authenticate provider or direct certificate authority as you will get after-sales support and installation guidance too. So, go ahead and buy one that will meet your business specifications.
